Senior Lecturer
The University of Newcastle, Australia
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Dr Peter Osmotherly is an academic physiotherapist and epidemiologist employed as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health Sciences at The University of Newcastle. His academic qualifications include Bachelor of Science (Anatomy) awarded by The University of New South
Wales, Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy awarded by Cumberland College of Health Sciences and Master of Medical Science (Clinical Epidemiology) awarded by The University of Newcastle. His doctoral thesis in Physiotherapy was completed at The University of Newcastle.
With over 35 years of postprofessional experience in physiotherapy, Peter Osmotherly has researched and published widely in the field of musculoskeletal injury and assessment. Combining clinical perspectives in the assessment of dysfunction with epidemiological and statistical methods, his published work has encompassed areas from clinical testing to occupational musculoskeletal health disorders. To date, he has produced 6 textbook chapters, 100 peer reviewed publications in academic journals and over 100 conference publications. Dr Osmotherly is an experienced supervisor of postgraduate students at both Masters and PhD level.