Professor and Chair
Marquette University
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SHEIKH IQBAL AHAMED received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Arizona State University, USA, in 2003. He is currently a professor of computer science and the Director of the Ubicomp Lab, Marquette University, USA. His research interests include mHealth, security, and privacy in pervasive computing, affective computing, and middleware for ubiquitous/pervasive computing. He has over one million dollar research grants in mHealth area and mobile/pervasive computing area. He has a number of collaborative mHealth projects with the researchers of different universities and non-profit organizations in USA. He has international mHealth projects in Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan, and China. He is a Senior Member of ACM and the IEEE Computer Society. He has published more than 200 peer reviewed journal articles, conference, and workshop papers. He has received twelve best paper/posters awards in last five years. He is the Vice Chair of COMPSAC 2015–20. He is a Guest Editor of Computer & Communications Journal (Elsevier). Dr. Ahamed can be contacted at iq.