Sr. Research Coordinator
Gaylord Hospital - Wallingford, CT
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Diana Pernigotti, MSG
Senior Research Coordinator
Masters of Science in Gerontology, Univ of Massachusetts, Boston
Diana Pernigotti is responsible for managing the recruitment and implementation of multiple SCI research projects at Gaylord Hospital and throughout the Spaulding New England Regional Spinal Cord Injury Model Center network. This includes research in the National Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Database, Care Call, PROMIS, SCI-FI, SCI-QOL, My Care My Call and EQuATe studies. She organizes the New England Spinal Cord Injury Toolkit and serves on the Institutional Review Board at Gaylord. As an Executive Board Member of the Spinal Cord Injury Association of CT, a Chapter of United Spinal Association, she engages people at every level from patients with new injuries to professional members of the SCI community.
Consumer education to empower people to take an active role in their healthcare, explore research opportunities and all programs related to improving the lives of people with and affected by SCI are priorities of both roles she fulfills as a Sr Research Coordinator and SCIACT Board Member. Notably the development and promotion of the Spinal Cord Injury Peer Health Coach role spans both.