Jefferson College of Population Health
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Dr. Preeti Zanwar is a health economist and health services researcher with 13 years of laboratory experience in molecular virology, clinical epidemiology and immunodiagnostics. Her research is focused on disparities in access to preventive care (including cancer screening) by disability, and/or race and ethnicity; socioeconomics pathways to cognitive aging in developed vs. developing countries; inequities in vaccine uptake/outcomes of viral infection; and modeling differences in health care costs of multi-morbidity.
She has combined 20 years of translational research experience in basic and social sciences, public health, and population health at two medical schools (Baylor College of Medicine and University of Texas Medical Branch) and two Texas public health institutions (UTHealth School of Public Health & Texas A&M University School of Public Health where she has served as Instructional Assistant Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics). She is faculty affiliate/fellow of the Center for Population Health & Aging (CPHA); Center for Health Systems & Design at Texas A&M University; and faculty member of The Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD) at University of Southern California Los Angeles, an interdisciplinary group of scientists at the forefront of research on the social determinants of U.S. population health and health disparities. It is funded by the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA). She has served on NIA early career grant review panels multiple times.
She is also a member of the COVID & Frailty Rehabilitation Task Force and the Cognition & Aging Task Force for the Geriatric Rehabilitation Networking Group of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. She is Co-Guest Editor for the Special Issue of BrainSciences (Neurovirology), with Patricia C. Heyn, PhD, FGSA as Guest Editor. She is the COVID-19 Prevention Sub-group lead for the Network on Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI) COVID-19 Research Network Group of the NIH/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Dr. Zanwar is an early career investigator and splits her time between: 1) teaching/re-designing and delivering online courses; 2) research (leading manuscripts and writing grant proposals); and 3) mentoring minority scholars and junior faculty in research. Additionally, she provides service and contributes to professional societies (e.g. AcademyHealth, American Society of Health Economics, International Health Economics Association, The Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment, Gerontological Society of America, American Public Health Association, Population Association of America); and scholarly journals. Dr. Zanwar has been a peer reviewer and grant reviewer for federal agencies and as has played a key role in various capacities on grants that have been intramurally or extramurally funded (Texas A&M Institute of Data Science Data Resource Development Program, Texas A&M University Interdisciplinary X-Grant Program, National Space Biomedical Research Institute, National Cancer Institute, and NIA). Of the total $9 million in extramural/intramural grant support, $442,433 is attributable to her.