Associated Professor
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Graduated in Physiotherapy from Centro Universitário Herminio Ometto de Araras (2002), Specialization in Physiotherapy applied to Adult Neurology from UNICAMP (2004) and Direct PhD in Medical Sciences from UNICAMP (2008), where he received a FAPESP scholarship (2005-2008). She is currently Associate Professor of the Physiotherapy Course, in the area of Physiotherapeutic Care in the Locomotor System and supervisor of the master's degree linked to the Postgraduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences (PPGCREAB) of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Trairi / Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. North (FACISA/UFRN). He is a member of the Brazilian Association of Neurofunctional Physiotherapy (Abrafin) and the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN). She conducts research on rehabilitation after stroke and is the lead researcher of a multicenter study in Brazil on Access to Rehabilitation in Brazil after stroke (AReA study). Has experience in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, with emphasis on Physiotherapy applied to adult Neurology, rehabilitation of cerebrovascular diseases and motor learning.