Professor and Chair
St. Joseph's Health Care, Canada
Allergan Inc. (Products/Services: No) (Contracted Research (Principal Investigators must provide information, even if received by the institution))
Dr. Robert Teasell is a physiatrist at Parkwood Institute, a Professor in the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University, former Chair-Chief and current Research Director of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is a Clinical Researcher with Lawson Health Research Institute, Parkwood Institute Research and Director of the CORRE Research Group. Dr. Teasell has authored over 800 publications including over 350 peer-reviewed articles and has been involved with $24 million of research funding. He has won over 50 awards including Lawson Scientist of the Year, and Post-Acute Stroke Excellence Award, both in 2018, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and National Stroke Association in the United States.