Professor & Center Director
University of Delaware
540 South College Ave., Delaware, United States
David S. Tulsky, Ph.D. (PI) has over 35 years of experience developing tests and measurement instruments. Dr. Tulsky is Professor in the Departments of Physical Therapy and Psychological and Brain Sciences and is the Director of a College-based research Center (Center for Health Assessment Research and Translation) at the University of Delaware. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and has specialized in research on cognitive and patient reported outcome measurement instruments for individuals with disabilities.
Dr. Tulsky has been leading research to improve the lives of individuals with SCI for over 20 years. He had served as the PI and Director of the Northern New Jersey SCI Model System for 10 years while employed at the Kessler Foundation in West Orange, NJ. He was also a Professor and Director of Research in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at the University of Michigan.
Dr. Tulsky has extensive experience leading large-scale, multi-center clinical studies of rehabilitation outcomes, and has recently served as an investigator and steering committee member for several federally funded, multi-site projects to develop new, cutting edge measurement scales including the PROMIS® and NIH Toolbox® of neurological and behavioral feedback. Significantly, Dr. Tulsky has served as PI of several multisite grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) to develop comprehensive patient reported outcomes (PRO) measurement systems that are specific for individuals with SCI and TBI. He has also been at the forefront of validating, adapting, and optimizing assessment measures like the PROMIS and NIH Toolbox for individuals with SCI and TBI.
Currently, Dr. Tulsky is the PI of a large grant from the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) of the Department of Defense (DoD) to develop a Patient Reported Outcomes measurement system for HRQOL in individuals with major limb trauma and amputation. This study, the LIMB-QOL, is a partnership between 10 DoD Medical Treatment Centers and Civilian Rehabilitation hospitals and Universities. Significantly, he also is PI of two grants to develop and identify outcome measures for individuals who have had hand transplants. These grants are particularly relevant to evaluating the cost and benefits of upper extremity transplantation as there are less than 100 UE transplants that have been performed world-wide and Dr. Tulsky’s research team is identifying the relevant domains of functioning that should be measuered and developing new item content to assess the quality of life in this population.
Finally, and most relevant to this presentation, Dr. Tulsky is the PI of a large NIH grant to develop symptom clusters to personalize care for individuals with SCI as well as TBI and limb loss. He has received funding from the Craig H. Neilson Foundation to develop a e-health symptom-monitoring and self-management system called iManage-SCI to mitigate symptoms of depression and anxiety in individuals with SCI and he currently leads a large multisite study to develop a clinical trial protocol to test the efficacy of the system. He also leads a multisite grant from the NIDILRR to develop new SCI-QOL and TBI-QOL measures of sexual wellness and to expand the iManage-SCI system with symptom-monitoring and self-management videos related to enhancing sexual wellness.
Copyright holder (Products/Services: No) (Patent Holder, I am a copyright holder of the SCI-QOL, SCI-FI, and TBI-QOL instruments. Occasionally a license fee has been charged for adapting and licensing to pharma. No charge for normal use.)DoD (Products/Services: No) (Research Grant)NIDILRR (Products/Services: No) (Research Grant)NIH (Products/Services: Yes) (Research Grant)
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
2:15 PM – 3:30 PM