Participants: One patient (typical demographics for this setting) and one treating therapist.
Interventions: Thrust manipulations at the SIJ, lumbar spine, thoracic spine and hip, exercises interventions targeting core and low back activation, functional retraining specific to work duties
Main Outcome Measures: patient specific functional scale, Oswestry disability index Pain scores, lumbar AROM
Results: Oswestry from 16% to 0% PSFS 11--> 14 Pain 8/10 to 4/10 in 4 sessions AROM improved by 50% or greater in all AROM
Conclusions: When a patient does not fit into a category of the treatment-based classification system, one might find success with an impairment-based or systems-based approach.
Author(s) Disclosures: none
Learning Objectives:
discuss the pitfalls of the treatment based classification
discuss the benefits to an impairment-based approach
discuss the downfalls of an impairment-based approach