Professor Gunma Paz University Takasaki, Gumma, Japan
Research Objectives: To identify significant factors associated with long-term continuity of independent living among healthy very older adults persons under behavioral restrictions, including impaired vascular function .
Design: Cohort study (longitudinal, interview-based, observational). Period From August 2016 to December 2021.
Setting: Community of Ogimi Village, Okinawa, Japan.
Participants: 145 older persons aged 85 years or older living independently.
Interventions: Exposure factors include presence of behavioral preferences, presence of impaired vascular function, and presence of abnormal BMI.
Main Outcome Measures: Independent living period, end of independent living
Results: Participants, n=145, 30 men and 115 women. Self-supporting period: 41.5±18, Survival period: 44.3±17, Age 83±9, weight 53.2±11.5, Body length 145.9±9.2, BMI 22.1±11.6,3 Factors Effects Action hobbies (human and will): ー: 56.3 (95% CI 53.5 to 59.2), +: 54.2 (95% CI 46.7 to 59.2) Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) P=0.473 Mobility (physical activity): ー: 55.4 (95% CI 52.4 to 58.4), +: 58.9 (95% CI 53.0 to 64.7) Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) P=0.415 BMI (Japanese level 25): ー: 54.4 (95% CI 50.9 to 57.9), +: 57.9 (95% CI 53.3 to 62.5) Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) P=0.205 Imppaired vascular function: ー: 58.0 (95% CI 55.5 to 60.6), +: 48.1 (95% CI 40.6 to 55.6)Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) P=0.012 A significant reduction in the duration of independent living was observed in the group with impaired vascular function, a physiological index. Behavioral preference factors and normal BMI were found to have no effect on the duration of independent living.
Conclusions: The longitudinal independent living duration of healthy very older persons without vascular disfunction decline was not affected by behavioral preferences. The presence of vascular dysfunction was associated with a significantly shorter duration of independent living, and this was done under prolonged behavioral restrictions. Accurate judgments require evaluation using relative risk ratios over a period of time, with further adjustment for bias.
Author(s) Disclosures: I have no information to disclose in this study.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participant will be able to list the important factors associated with long-term independent living duration in healthy very older people with behavioral limitations, including impaired vascular function.
Upon completion, participant will be able to describe about methodological innovations related to long-term independent living duration in healthy very older persons with behavioral limitations.
Upon completion, participant will be able to describe the factor impaired vascular function significantly shortens the duration of independent living under longitudinal behavioral limitations.
Upon completion, participant will be able to conduct that physical activity support needs to be planned with attention to physiological indicators