Osteoarthritis Research Unit, University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM)
Montréal, QC, Canada
Full Professor, Department of Medicine, member, Pharmacology/Physiology Department; co-Director, Osteoarthritis Research Unit, and co-Titular Head, Chair in Osteoarthritis, all at the University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Her research interests focus primarily on the arthritic disease - osteoarthritis, from Molecule to Man, and the mechanisms involved in its etiology and process. In addition, she has developed quantitative and automated systems using magnetic resonance imaging for several tissues in the knee and hip and has worked on these tissue changes over time, using them in clinical trials and epidemiological and biomarker research. Her recent works comprise, with the use of machine learning, the development of diagnostic/prognostic tools for early prediction of knee osteoarthritis structural progressors and medication responders. Over the years, she has published more than 510 articles, book chapters and books in peer-reviewed international journals. She has held leading positions in various international organizations, societies, and foundations. She has received nine distinguished international prizes and awards, including the prestigious King Faisal International Prize for Medicine.
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Monday, November 14, 2022
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time