Ignite Talk
Xenofon Baraliakos, MD
Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet Herne
Herne, Germany
Disclosure: Disclosure(s): AbbVie: Consultant (Ongoing), Paid instructor (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Bristol-Myers Squibb: Consultant (Ongoing), Paid instructor (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Galapagos: Consultant (Ongoing), Paid instructor (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Janssen: Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Lilly: Consultant (Ongoing), Paid instructor (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); MSD: Consultant (Ongoing), Paid instructor (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Novartis: Consultant (Ongoing), Paid instructor (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Pfizer: Consultant (Ongoing), Paid instructor (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Roche: Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Sandoz: Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Sanofi: Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); UCB: Consultant (Ongoing), Paid instructor (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)