Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry (Emeritus), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine
Founder, Center for Education and Practice of Biopsychosocial Patient Care and Drossman Gastroenterology
Durham, NC
Douglas Drossman, MD, MACG, received his MD degree at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and completed a medical residency at UNC and NYU. He subspecialized in psychosocial medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and in Gastroenterology at UNC. He is Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Psychiatry in Gastroenterology at UNC from 1977 through 2011. He was founder and co-director of the UNC Center for Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders (since 1993), founder and President of the Rome Foundation (1990-2019), and currently President Emeritus and Chief of Operations of the Rome Foundation. He is Senior Editor of Rome I, II, III, and IV. He is past Chair of the Motility and Nerve-Gut Section of the AGA Council (2003-2005), Past-President of the American Psychosomatic Society (1997), a Fellow of the AGA and ACP, and a Master of the ACG. He was Ad Hoc member of NIH-NCCAM Advisory Board, and the NIH-National Commission on Digestive Diseases and held several NIH grants. Dr. Drossman has written over 500 articles and book chapters and published 9 books, including a GI Procedure Manual and textbooks of Functional GI disorders (Rome). His most recent book, Gut Feelings: Disorders of Gut-Brain (DGBI) Interaction and the Patient-Doctor Relationship, a Guide for Patients and Doctors, was published in December 2020. He has served on 6 editorial and advisory boards in gastroenterology, psychosomatic medicine, behavioral medicine, and patient health. He served for 5 years as Associate Editor of the journal Gastroenterology. In 2012, he founded the Drossman Center for the Education and Practice of Biopsychosocial, LLC, care to help train physicians in communication skills to enhance the patient provider relationship and teaches workshops and symposia internationally on this topic. His practice, Drossman Gastroenterology PLLC, focuses on the diagnosis/management of patients with complex GI disorders.
Monday, October 24, 2022
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