Regardless of practice setting, pediatric physical therapists and physical therapist assistants often find themselves advocating for access to and delivery of appropriate and necessary services for children and their families. Advocacy efforts at local, state, and national levels require partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders, and a working knowledge of legislation and policies that impact the provision of pediatric physical therapy services. This session will: 1) review foundational concepts that are critical to advocacy; 2) engage participants in problem-solving through challenges they encounter and help them to identify and locate resources; and 3) prepare participants for upcoming events where they can join others in advocating for the needs of populations they serve.
Learning Objectives:
identify at least three resources or actions that PTs and PTAs can use or take to influence change
generate solutions for identified problems/concerns by navigating/accessing available resources.
discuss APTA and APTA Pediatrics advocacy efforts and upcoming ways to disseminate information to PT and PTA colleagues.