Associate Professor University of Central Arkansa Conway, Arkansas
The Pediatric Annual Physical Therapy Visit is described as best practice for providing consistent yearly care for children. This course will enhance the skill level of therapists working in pediatrics in conducting an annual visit and identifying which selected portions of an examination to include at various ages, including a) taking a history b) reviewing the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, integumentary, and urogenital systems, c) reviewing related systems (communication, cognition, social-emotional, sensory, and feeding), and d) recognizing signs, symptoms, and flags. Emphasis is on efficiency and practicality of an annual visit, differentiating conditions which should be referred to another practitioner, and offering anticipatory guidance. Research and APTA documents will be reviewed and discussed.
Learning Objectives:
Recognize the role of the pediatric physical therapist in performing an annual visit including the systems to be reviewed at various ages.
Apply strategies to enhance the efficiency and practicality of the annual visit by reviewing appropriate systems at various ages, using concepts of anticipatory guidance, and referring when warranted .
Critique current research and APTA documents related to annual visits and screening of systems in pediatric physical therapy and suggest areas for future research.