Category: Dissemination & Implementation Science
Margaret Crane, M.A.
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sara J Becker, PhD
Associate Professor
Brown University School of Public health
Providence, Rhode Island
Margaret Crane, M.A.
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jonathan Purtle, DrPH, MSc
Associate Professor
New York University
New York, New York
Elizabeth Long, Ph.D.
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania
Jacqueline Persons, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
Oakland CBT Center/UC Berkeley Department of Psychology
Oakland, California
Sheina Godovich, M.A.
The Catholic University of America
McLean, Virginia
Dissemination and implementation research aims to bridge the gap between research and practice. However, within dissemination and implementation science, dissemination strategies have been understudied relative to implementation strategies (Leeman et al., 2017; Purtle et al., 2020). Dissemination involves the strategic communication of information about evidence-based practices (EBPs) to audiences who affect the population health impact of these interventions (NIH, 2019). The dissemination strategies aimed to influence knowledge, attitudes, and ultimately behaviors related to EBPs use among practice audiences as well as the general public. This symposium includes five studies that empirically evaluate dissemination strategies targeting policymakers (Presenter 2 & Presenter 3), practitioners (Presenter 4 & Presenter 5), and consumers (Presenter 1). Across topics, the dissemination strategies were crafted with the input of consumers and stakeholders, with the aim of educating the public. To examine dissemination strategies for legislators, Presenter 2 and Presenter 3 evaluated experiments with outcomes including email view rates, link click rates, requests for consultation, and perceptions of the relevance of dissemination materials. Presenter 4 also used utilization metrics (YouTube analytics) to evaluate the APA Division 12 Science in Practice (SiPs) initiative, which created brief videos describing evidence-based therapy techniques. They will compare dissemination channels (social media vs. listserv) for reaching mental health professionals. Presenter 1 and Presenter 5 both tested the relative influence of the source of dissemination information. Presenter 1 compared dissemination involving peers versus only professionals on increasing caregiver demand for EBPs to treat youth anxiety. Presenter 5 compared dissemination conducted by peers versus supervisors on school mental health provider attitudes. The talks will address the underlying mechanisms of these dissemination strategies, including decreasing barriers to accessing knowledge, as well as changing knowledge and attitudes about EBPs. The discussant will offer summarizing comments on future directions of dissemination research.
Presenter: Margaret E. Crane, M.A. – Temple University
Co-author: Gillian C. Dysart, None – Temple University
Co-author: Sydney Keller, BA – Temple University
Co-author: Olivia Bauer, BA – Temple University
Co-author: Sirina Tiwari – Temple University
Co-author: Jonathan Purtle, DrPH, MSc – New York University
Co-author: Marc Atkins, PhD – University of Illinois, Chicago
Co-author: Sara J Becker, PhD – Brown University School of Public health
Co-author: John Lestino, MA LPC – Magowan Elementary School
Co-author: Philip C. Kendall, ABPP, ABPP, Ph.D. – Temple University
Presenter: Jonathan Purtle, DrPH, MSc – New York University
Co-author: Katherine Nelson, PhD – Drexel University School of Public Health (at time of study)
Co-author: Sarah Gollust, PhD – University Of Minnesota School Of Public Health
Presenter: Patrick O'Neill, B.A. – Columbia University
Co-Author: Elizabeth Long, Ph.D. – The Pennsylvania State University
Co-author: Jessica Pugel, MA – Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative, Penn State University
Co-author: D. Max Crowley, PhD – Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative, Penn State University
Co-author: J. Taylor Scott, PhD – Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative, Penn State University
Presenter: Jacqueline Persons, Ph.D. – Oakland Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center and University of California, Berkeley
Co-author: Kelsie H. Okamura, Ph.D. – Judge Baker Children's Center
Co-author: Regine Galanti, PhD – Long Island Behavioral Psychology
Co-author: Travis L. Osborne, Ph.D. – Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle
Co-author: Robert Reiser, PhD – Reiser Healthcare Consulting
Co-author: Jocelyn Sze, PhD – Bay Area Trauma Recovery Clinical Services
Presenter: Sheina Godovich, M.A. – The Catholic University of America
Co-author: Hannah M. Thomas, M.A. – Montclair State University
Co-author: Zohaib Jessani, M.A. – Catholic University of America
Co-author: Kathryn B. Guajardo, PhD – The Catholic University of America
Co-author: Brendan Rich, Ph.D. – The Catholic University of America