Neonatal Resuscitation Program® (NRP®) The Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) 8th edition launched in June 2021! The new edition introduces a new educational methodology tailored to better meet the needs of the many healthcare professionals who manage the newly born baby and the addition of two learning tracks, Essentials and Advanced. The NRP was developed by the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics to teach an evidence-based approach to care of the newborn at birth and facilitates effective team-based care for healthcare professionals who care for newborns at the time of delivery. NRP utilizes a blended learning approach, which includes online testing and hands-on case-based simulation/debriefing that focus on critical leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. Completion of the program does not imply that an individual has the competence to perform neonatal resuscitation. Each hospital is responsible for determining the level of competence and qualifications required for someone to assume clinical responsibility for neonatal resuscitation. To date, over five million healthcare professionals have been trained using award-winning state-of-the-art interactive education in 120 countries. The NRP currently has approximately 18,500 active instructors and over 400,000 active NRP Providers. Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP) Are your students fully prepared to respond, manage, and assess ill or injured children in the field? The PEPP training program represents an evidence-based resource of essential medical content for the assessment and management of infants and children in the field. This respected and ground-breaking program paired physicians and EMS providers together to ensure the content reflects current best practices and the realities of the field. Developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, PEPP is designed to give prehospital professionals the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to effectively assess and manage pediatric patients. PEPP Course Coordinators have the option to facilitate courses at either the ALS or BLS level and as an Onsite or Hybrid course. Independent learners can earn F3 CAPCE Credit with our recently released PEPP Continuing -Education (CE) Online Modules that cover six topic areas and are offered in both ALS and BLS formats. AAP/Health Scholars Virtual Reality Applications The AAP and Health Scholars have partnered on two virtual reality (VR) applications, Pediatric Emergency Assessment and Pediatric Emergency Care, for the EMS community. With true-to-life assessment and stabilization scenarios, the VR applications hone competencies without in-person training or expensive mannikins. Learners are virtually presented with infants and children who present with physical findings of: • Stability • Compensated & Decompensated Shock • Respiratory Distress • Respiratory Failure • CNS/Metabolic Disorders • Cardiopulmonary Failure They must assess each patient, properly assess the findings, and use the voice commands to initiate care. Simulation Program Partnering to engage and support AAP staff & members in the use of healthcare simulation to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics and Laerdal Medical, Premature Anne and SimNewB allows for new opportunities to integrate the latest technologies into neonatal training programs. Pairing Premature Anne and SimNewB with educational content developed and validated by the American Academy of Pediatrics allows learners to master the skills needed to care for preterm and neonatal patients, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
AAP Resource Center - Clinical Skills Programs
American Academy of Pediatrics
345 Park Blvd
Itasca, IL 60143