Assistant professor
East Carolina University
Financial Disclosures: Lavi Institute- Speaker/Honoraria
Non-Financial Disclosures: Co-developer of formerly available commercial versions of the Hearing in Noise Test
Dr. Andrew Vermiglio is an audiologist and an assistant professor at East Carolina University (ECU) where he is the director of the Speech Perception Lab. He was employed as a Senior Research Associate at the House Ear Institute (HEI) in the Department of Human Communication Sciences and Devices under the direction of Dr. Sigfrid Soli. Prior to HEI, Dr. Vermiglio worked as a clinical audiologist at the House Ear Clinic and the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Long Beach, California. Dr. Vermiglio has published peer-reviewed papers on speech recognition in noise ability, diagnostic accuracy studies, and the controversial auditory processing disorder construct. He was a content matter expert for the ASHA Practice Portal on Central Auditory Processing Disorders.