Research Audiologist
Washington University School of Medicine
Financial Disclosures: clEAR- Consultant
Non-Financial Disclosures: I do not have any relevant non-financial relationships with anything to disclose.
Elizabeth Mauze's area of expertise and interest lies in the area of child and adult aural rehabilitation. With continued knowledge and research into the vital area of aural rehabilitation, audiologists as well as any health care professional will be better prepared to serve the needs of their patients. She recently used her knowledge from conducting focus groups with adults to conduct focus groups with children alongside Nancy Tye-Murray in an SBIR Phase 1 study. She also obtained assessment data via zoom calls and managed the online Amptify portal for all the children enrolled in the study.
Over her 30-year career at the Central Institute for the Deaf and Washington University School of Medicine, alongside with her colleagues has written a psychosocial group curriculum for adult cochlear implant users as well as audiologists, conducted psychosocial groups for adult cochlear implant users, conducted focus groups for both adults and children with hearing loss, and developed a meaning-based computerized auditory training program for adults as well as one for children. These latter training programs have revealed significant listening gains for individuals with hearing loss. She believes these contributions to science will continue to influence the profession and make an impact on the future of auditory game development as well as curriculums.