NASA PACE Project Deputy Applications Coordinator
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / SSAI
Silver Spring, MD
Ms. Natasha Sadoff is the NASA PACE Project Applications Deputy Coordinator at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. She is a geographer and social scientist who works at the nexus of environmental management, governance, and earth science. She has twelve years of experience connecting data users and stakeholders to resources to improve decision-making and governance in areas such as climate change adaptation and resilience; energy management; air quality; solid waste management; and other areas. She facilitates stakeholder needs assessments, user engagement, training and outreach, and capacity building/development, particularly in the usage of Earth observations for societal benefit. Before joining the NASA PACE team in 2021, she spent thirteen years in the private sector where she designed, managed, and/or implemented enviromental management capacity building programs for US government clients both in the US and internationally.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
2:50pm – 3:10pm PT