Vice President, Senior Environmental Engineer
Barr Engineering Co.
Sara Ramsden has 17 years of experience in environmental engineering and a master’s degree in environmental engineering from the University of Minnesota. Sara’s work at Barr Engineering Co. includes managing contaminated site investigation and remediation projects, including site investigations, remedial action coordination, remedial design and operation, and brownfields redevelopment. She specializes in addressing legacy environmental issues at high-profile contaminated sites with multiple stakeholders. Sara’s project work has included serving as project manager and directing Barr’s work on a wide-ranging, multi-media remedial investigation, feasibility study, and interim response action involving the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at a project in the eastern United States. PFAS had been detected in the public water supply and private wells in the project area. The project involves a complex group of potentially responsible parties working with local, state, and federal regulatory authorities to address PFAS issues across multiple sites located in the same municipality. Barr performed extensive soil and groundwater investigations in support of federal and state remedial investigation and feasibility study (RI/FS) processes and completed interim remedial actions, including groundwater extraction and treatment, concurrently with the investigation work. Barr has conducted PFAS-water-treatment pilot-testing at the site and has evaluated water treatment options, including granular activated carbon and ion exchange. Barr is the lead consultant for developing and refining a complex site conceptual model through iterative efforts, including complex groundwater flow modeling. The work has been closely coordinated between the potentially responsible parties and regulatory authorities as they work to address a significant public interest in the project.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
1:30pm – 3:10pm PT