University of Calgary
Calgary, AB, Canada
Tinuke is a Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Design at the School of Architecture Planning and Landscape. Tinuke holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and an MSc in Sustainable Energy Development (SEDV) from the University of Calgary. Her MSc research involved assessing the socio-cultural and environmental requirements of developing a renewable energy entrepreneurial project (Solar Village of the Future) for a women’s co-op in Burkina Faso. She concluded the study a year later with an impact assessment. Results from the study motivated her work on development projects that are sensitive to the needs of the marginalized, particularly women. Thus, her interdisciplinary research involves sustainable development that promotes self-agency for women in low-income communities. Her current research focuses on developing a culturally appropriate sustainable waste management system that leverages the strengths of legacy indigenous African female institutions while economically empowering the community.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
4:40pm – 5:00pm PT