WebFIRE is the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA) online database that contains emissions factors for criteria and hazardous air pollutants (HAP) for industrial and non-industrial processes. WebFIRE also contains all reports submitted electronically to the US EPA using the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) in response to the electronic reporting requirements specified under parts 60, 62, and 63 of Title 40 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This presentation discusses the latest improvements made to the US EPA’s WebFIRE database. This includes the programming of the revised emissions factors development procedures into the database, major quality control efforts made between the database and AP-42 and the incorporation of existing AP-42 supporting documentation. This, combined with new data from test reports electronically submitted to the US EPA as a result of the EPA’s federal reporting requirements, has allowed for the ability to determine new as well as to revise existing emissions factors. This presentation will also highlight new and revised emissions factors drafted by the US EPA based on the statistical procedures outlined in the US EPA’s Procedures for the Development of Emissions Factors from Stationary Sources and provide an update on the draft emissions factors process.