Track: Workshop
Track: Career Track
Kenneth Klemow
Biology, Wilkes University
Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA
The Four Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework was adopted by the ESA Governing Board to improve ecology education, especially at the undergraduate level. The goal of this workshop is to help Ecology educators convert their teaching resources (especially laboratory and other student-active exercises) into the 4DEE format.
The workshop is divided into four parts. Part I will involve a brief overview of the 4DEE framework, addressing and explaining each of the four dimensions. Part II will involve an example of the way that a representative ecology laboratory exercise was converted to align with the 4DEE framework. Part III will address the steps involved in disseminating your converted exercise through the ESA’s EcoEd Digital Library.
During Part IV of the workshop, attendees will be given time to select their own laboratory or other active learning resources and initiate the process by which it will be converted into the 4DEE format and uploaded to EcoEd DL.