Within the last decade, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have been discussed in social, political, and academic settings. In academia, some colleges and universities have adopted definitions for DEI and incorporated measures to promote DEI in the curriculum and assessment of student learning. ACEN Criterion 4.5, “The [associate] curriculum is designed so that graduates of the program are able to practice in a culturally and ethnically diverse global society,” reinforces the importance of DEI throughout programs of study. Further, DEI can be threaded into various teaching/learning settings (e.g., didactic, laboratory, simulation, and clinical).
Equally important is integration of DEI in outcomes assessment. The Criteria in Standard 6 are written to allow flexibility in assessment of end-of-program student learning outcomes and program outcomes (licensure pass rates, program completion rates, and job placement rates). A deeper probe into evaluation of outcomes is assessment and analysis of end-of-program student learning outcomes and program outcomes that minimize bias and promotes equity. The critical question related to DEI and outcomes assessment is: what actions have faculty implemented to mitigate inequity in students’ achievement of the end-of-program student learning outcomes and program outcomes?
The goal of nursing programs is to produce graduates who demonstrate person-centered care to diverse patients. Yet, faculty must also identify implicit and explicit biases in assessment of outcomes to develop strategies that decrease inequity in student achievement. In this session, the presenter will correlate DEI to the curriculum and outcomes assessment and provide examples.
Learning Objectives:
Correlate diversity, equity, and inclusion to ACEN Criteria.
Emphasize examples that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the curriculum, curriculum processes, and outcomes assessment.
Demonstrate strategies to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout an associate-degree curriculum.