Assistant Professor/Research Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Disclosure: I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Elizabeth G. Hinton, MSIS, AHIP, is Instruction and Research Librarian and Assistant Professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center’s Rowland Medical Library. She is library liaison to the School of Nursing, where she holds a secondary faculty appointment and serves as a core member of the School’s JBI Centre of Excellence. Her primary duties focus on participating on systematic review teams and analyzing institutional research impact and faculty scholarly output. Elizabeth is author or co-author on multiple peer-reviewed journal articles, book and book chapters, posters, and papers, and serves as a peer reviewer for several journals. She is active in both the Medical Library Association and the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association and is a senior member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals. Her professional interests include systematic reviews, library and educational assessment, and measuring scholarly output.