Virtua Health
Helen-Ann Brown Epstein MLS,MS,AHIP,FMLA, is the solo Informationist managing the Health Sciences Library for Virtua Health's more than 14,000 employees. With her virtual Library on the Health System's intranet, she is able to have an ambitious rounding schedule, make InfoHouse Calls, co-chair the Patient Education Committee and Nursing Research Council, sit on the Cancer IRB, and teach thinking and searching in an evidence based way. MLAwise, on the national level, Helen-Ann is a Fellow, CE instructor, webinar presenter, Committee member, overseer of the Hospital Librarians Section Scroll of Exemplary Service, Mentor, Immediate Past Chair of the Clinical Librarian Evidence-Based Healthcare Caucus, and member of the first cohort of the MLA Research Training Institute. MLAwise locally, she is active in the NY-NJ Chapter serving as a Committee member and Past Chair. Helen-Ann is proud to be chosen as a NLM Rock Star. She was the Associate Editor of the Journal of Hospital LIbrarianship and now Editor of Health Literacy for the Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet. Helen-Ann does all tasks with lots of energy and enthusiasm.