Track: Special Session
Frank Lake
U.S. Forest Service
Arcata, CA, USA
Robert Newman
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND, USA
James Rattling Leaf
North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, University of Colorado - Boulder
Boulder, CO, USA
This special session hosted by the Traditional Ecological Knowledge section provides a regional perspective of communities and ecosystems inviting indigenous/tribal peoples as historically underrepresented groups to address the ESA annual conference theme of: "Vital Connections." Tribal representative from the region, will share their cultural history, uses of local ecosystems, habitats, and resources. Examples will be provided of the challenges and opportunities that face indigenous communities of Southern California, United States. Perspectives of Indigenous people, based upon traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) frame socio-ecological connections, address widespread ecosystem change, and guidance for working with indigenous and tribal peoples engaging in interdisciplinary ecological research and management collaborations.