Track: Special Session
Track: Career Track
Thomas Olszewski
Science and Technology Policy Institute
Washington DC, DC, USA
Rounak Patra
Department of Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science, University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN, USA
Major issues facing society that are rooted in science and technology are numerous: climate change, gene editing, nuclear power, sustainable agriculture, public health policy, and many more. As a result, scientists have an important role in helping government decision makers formulate policy that is consistent with broader societal values and priorities but is also scientifically sound. The panelists in this session will represent a variety of experiences interacting with Federal policy makers including serving as Congressional staffers, working at advocacy organizations, embedding in executive branch agencies, and providing non-partisan analysis of science policy.
This session will be an opportunity for participants considering a career in science policy to learn about effective strategies to make the transition from working in academic settings. Panelists will also discuss the skills scientists bring to the policy arena beyond technical expertise. Opportunities for people at all career stages, from students who will soon finish degrees to mid- and late-career researchers, will be addressed.