A pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996 and is dedicated to fostering open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. We have published the research of more than 330,000 individual authors, and our journals have received more than 14 million monthly webpage views. Land (ISSN 2073-445X, IF: 3.395, CiteScore 3.0) is an international and cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal of land use/land change, land management, land system science, landscape, soil-sediment-water systems, urban contexts, urban-rural interactions, land–climate interactions, etc., published monthly online by MDPI. The International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), European Land-use Institute (ELI), and Landscape Institute (LI) are affiliated with Land and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges.