Welcome to the Yale University Press virtual exhibit for ESA 2021! Visit the resources tab for our titles on display list, with a discount of 30% until October 5, 2021. Jean E. Thomson Black is available to discuss new book projects in all aspects of ecology, evolution, landscape studies, environmental history, natural history, and field guides.
Titles of special note include: Allen/Lendemer: Urban Lichens; Bertness: A Brief Natural History of Civilization; Brown/Elliman: Grasses, Sedges, Rushes; Coleman: Nature Shock; Esty: A Better Planet; Frame: Mathematical Models in the Biosciences; Handelsman: A World Without Soil; Marzluff: In Search of Meadowlarks; Marshall: Patch Atlas; Mayer: Bird versus Bulldozer; Pickett et al.: Science for a Sustainable City; Redford/Adams: Strange Natures: Conservation in the Era of Synthetic Biology; Soukup/Machlis: American Covenant: National Parks, Their Promise, and Our Nation's Future; Western: We Alone: How Humans Have Conquered the Planet and Can Also Save It.
Yale University Press
302 Temple Street
New Haven, Connecticut