Sculpture Studios
Lee Culp, CDT
Biographical Information
Lee Culp, CDT is the CEO of Sculpture Studios, a dental laboratory, research and product development center for new and innovative diagnostic and restorative and digital applied applications to surgical and restorative dentistry.
He is the 2007 recipient of the Kenneth Rudd Award from the American Society of Prosthodontics, the 2007 recipient of the AACD Presidents Award for Excellence in Dental Education, as well as the 2003 recipient of the National Association of Dental Laboratories, Excellence in Education Award, and the 2013 American College of Prosthodontics-Dental Technician Leadership Award, and the 2014 Spectrum – Lifetime Achievement in Dentistry award. Lee is an avid writer, and had been a contributor to four dental text books, including a chapter in Dr. Peter Dawson’s book Functional Occlusion: From TMJ to Smile Design.
He is a leading resource/inventor for many of the materials, products, and techniques used in dentistry today, holds numerous patents for his ideas and products, and writes many articles per year. His writing, photography, and teaching style have brought him international recognition, as one of today’s most exciting lecturers and innovative artisans in the specialties of digital dentistry, dental ceramics and functional esthetics.
Disclosure: 3 Shape: Consultant; Ivoclar Vivadent (Individual(s) Involved: Self): consultant, Consultant/Advisory Board, Speaker/Honoraria
Saturday, December 4, 2021
8:40am – 9:00am CST
Saturday, December 4, 2021
9:20am – 9:40am CST