Welcome to CLP 2021, the annual meeting of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
The meeting theme this year is Advancing Knowledge, Developing Careers, Strengthening Community, at once a complex and broad theme, reflecting that ACLP is more than an academic organization—it is an academic home. We are a community of individuals with shared interests and for many of us the annual meeting is the inspiration and the affirmation for our chosen career. I welcome you to our academic home.
This year's meeting will be an opportunity to further expand knowledge of the evidence base for our practice while supporting growth and mentorship of careers. It will also be an opportunity for reflection on diversity, equity, and justice, and to celebrate the people who create and engage in this amazing academic organization. A truly spectacular program has been developed on these thematic topics.
Some of the highlights of this year's meeting:
- No price change from 2020 AND every registrant will receive a discount of up to $100 off CLP 2022 registration (terms and conditions apply)
- Once again, the Updates in C-L Psychiatry course, featuring nine speakers discussing updates on current C-L topics, is free to members who have registered for the annual meeting. Fundamentals of C-L Psychiatry: A Primer and a package of seven Skills Courses are available for an additional cost.
- Six plenary sessions on topics such as Leading with Purpose, Race & Racism in Academic Medicine, and Physician Suicide, presented by leaders in education, research, advocacy and clinical work in psychiatry and medicine.
- 170+ scientific posters; 50 oral papers; and over 40 workshops. Session recordings will be released in advance, with a significant number of live Q&As with faculty will augment the learning experience. All content will be available through December 2022.
- 20+ AMA PRA Category 1 Credits for physicians and nurses for live plenary streams. Over 100 hours AMA PRA Category 1 Credits for designated enduring material. CME claims valid through May 2022. 8 hours of MOC SA credit based on our meeting MOC test.
- Academy member pricing for ABPN diplomates thanks to a generous education grant from ABPN.
- Career Consultations for early career psychiatrists (members only)
- Dedicated SIG networking spaces
I look forward to you joining us online soon!
Lisa J. Rosenthal, MD, FACLP
Watch the CLP 2021 Dance video: