PSV-B-28 - Late-Breaking: Development and validation of a Total Inflammation Index™ for identifying inflammation in Labrador Retrievers using a pressure walkway
Thursday, July 15, 2021
5:15 PM – 6:15 PM EST
Location: Kentucky International Convention Center, Poster Hall/North Lobby
CEO - Co-Owner Four Rivers Kennel, LLC. Walker, Missouri, United States
The objective of this trial was to develop an index system to identify inflammation in Labrador Retrievers using a pressure walkway system. Gait analysis data can be difficult to interpret between treatment groups or for identifying low grade inflammation. To calculate the Total Inflammation Index™, the distance away from the ideal score was calculated for four parameters for each dog, including gait lameness score, total pressure index, step/stride ratio, and hind reach. These values were equally weighted and added together to produce the Total Inflammation Index™. For validation, the Total Inflammation Index™ values were compared to biomarker data for inflammation including cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, interleukin-6, creatine kinase, and c-reactive protein. Forty Labrador Retrievers (20 male/20 female) were used in this trial. All dogs were passed over the pressure walkway (Gait4Dogs; CIR Systems, Inc) to obtain gait analysis at baseline, 24h prior to the first 5km run, 24h after the first 5km run, 24h prior to the final 16km run, and 24h after the final 16km run. All biomarkers and the Total Inflammation Index™ were both significantly lower at the pre-exercise timepoints and elevated after post-exercise timepoints (P < 0.01). The Total Inflammation Index™ had significant correlation between timepoints and all biomarkers, including cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (P < 0.01), interleukin-6 (P < 0.05), creatine kinase (P < 0.01), and c-reactive protein (P < 0.05). The Total Inflammation Index™ appears to be a valid assay to evaluate generalized inflammation in Labrador Retrievers, and is in agreement with inflammatory biomarker values.