Associate Professor
University Laval
Marie-Pierre Letourneau Montminy earned her MSc at AgroParisTech in Paris. She then graduated from both AgroParisTech and Laval University for PhD studying calcium and phosphorus metabolism in growing pigs and broilers using modeling and meta-analysis approaches. She then completed a post-doctoral internship on precision feeding in pigs at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. She then builds a research chair with several partners on Alternative feeding strategies in pig and poultry in a context of sustainability in Laval University where she now holds an associate Professor position. Her main research focus is on producing sustainable animal protein especially optimizing the utilization of P and N in pig and poultry by understanding and quantifying the impact of factors related to the diet and to the animal through animal trial, meta-analysis and modelling to help formulating eco-friendly, healthier and low cost diet. She received the award for the best PhD in animal science in France (AFZ) and the National Pork Board Award at the Midwest Meeting of ASAS for her post-doctoral studies.