URUZA, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
Cesar A. Meza-Herrera, Ph.D., Professor at Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Unidad Regional Universitaria de Zonas Áridas - Bermejillo Durango, Mexico. Ph.D. degree (NMSU-USA), Animal Science, Major: Reproductive physiology, Minor: Ruminant nutrition, Tool: Molecular biology. A solid foundation in Animal Science, with special emphasis in small ruminant production systems, reproductive biology, the interaction nutrition-reproduction, while a sound background in animal physiology and animal breeding. Demonstrated experience in teaching and research at undergraduate and graduate levels, involved in competitive national and international networks with innovative research approaches, and with international scholar experience as Invited Professor at BOKU-University (Austria), University of Cordoba (Spain), University of Catamarca (Argentina), Czech University of Life Science - Prague (Czech Republic) and the European Graduate Program Agrismundus. A sustained record of national and international funded research, with important scholarly publications (> 140 articles) in well-respected JCR-indexed journals & more than 2,000 citations, relevant to the field of animal science. Superior communication skills in oral and written English, top-quality interpersonal skills, rigor, autonomy, taste for teamwork, inventiveness, self-motivating, & the ability to engage in collaborative and interdisciplinary research. Advanced ability to work in an interdisciplinary, multicultural environment, and with people from different scientific, societal, and cultural backgrounds and organizations from the public, private, and civil society sector. My area of interest involves Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, while my current research programs are mainly focused to understand the neuroendocrine regulation of the reproductive axis, with special emphasis on the interaction nutrition-reproduction and bio-communication, primarily focused on puberty activation and seasonal breeding, mainly in small ruminants. Two novel exciting research areas include wildlife microbiome as well as the ecological, economic & social footprints of livestock production in the face of climate change. My research programs uphold active scientific collaborations with several universities and research institutions worldwide.