Environmental Engineer
CDM Smith Inc.
Ms. Shah is an environmental engineer respresenting CDM Smith with 13 years of consulting experience in air quality. She has knowledge in the fields of air, greenhouse gas (GHG), wastewater, and solid waste. Ms. Shah has extensive regulatory experience at both federal and state levels, and has extensive experience in air permitting, control technology evaluations, compliance analysis, air dispersion analysis, emission inventories and air emission reporting activities for solid waste and wastewater clients. She is proficient in air quality models, such as, AERMOD, TOXCHEM and Water9. She is also familiar in the fields of transportation and airports with experience in air quality models such as EPA MOVES and ACERT to estimate GHG emissions. Her air quality experience includes projects across the nation in the areas of wastewater, bio-energy, solid waste, industrial, transportation and aviation sector. She completed her M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Michigan State University and is a Professional Engineer in the State of CT and TX.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
10:00am – 12:00pm US EDT