Director of Environmental Assessments Mostardi Platt Elmhurst, IL
The purpose of this presentation is to provide information and suggestions to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous Waste Generators on how to avoid RCRA violations. The presentation includes a brief background of the RCRA Hazardous Waste Regulations and definitions. The background discussion includes a summary of the criteria that establishes the status of a hazardous waste generator (very small quantity, small quantity, or large quantity). A discussion of the benefits of self-auditing will be provided along with information regarding the benefits of compliance management tools. Compliance management tools are used to ensure that compliance deadlines are met and that proper documentation is maintained. These two topics are focused on how to address potential violations internally and how to prepare for regulatory inspections. Information related to RCRA enforcement and the types of penalties and fines, and how they are calculated, will also be presented. This topic will include descriptions of administrative, civil judicial, and criminal penalties. A discussion of the top ten (10) RCRA violations will then be provided. The presentation will conclude with a case study which highlights a RCRA enforcement action that could have been avoided, along with a summary of the steps to take in order to avoid RCRA violations.