Even within the environmental professional community, underground injection disposal is often a misunderstood technology. This presentation will give the group a stronger basic understanding of the technology’s history, regulatory structure and environmental protection assurances; as well as, its application and limitations in PFAs management. The session will also dive into the permitting challenges of developing new facilities.
This presentation examines how Class I UIC wells can integrate with other technologies to form comprehensive programs for the safe and secure management of PFAs and other emerging contaminants. The discussion will include the following topics. • History of Underground Injection Control (UIC) technology and regulation o Wells and volumes current employed in US o UIC Classes and their applications • UIC technology and environmental protection assurances o Well design o Quality control during well construction o Mechanical integrity testing o Real-time operations monitoring o Seismic monitoring • Wastewaters suitable for UIC o Criteria for acceptance o Landfill leachates o Other industrial wastewaters o Wastes not suitable for injection • The role of Class I injection wells in PFAS reduction o PFAs cycle o Treatment trains incorporating UIC • Obstacles to Class I UIC development o Regulatory o Public relations • Buckeye Brine UIC permit and facility development