This paper is our annual report on our Dustbuster Projects in the western Mojave desert of southern California. We have Congressional and USDA NRCS support for a large $850,000 program to permanently stabilize and restore the desert community of Rancho Seco. This 165 acre community is the home of approximately 200,000 cubic yards of wind blown dust and sand dunes which are burying homes and roads. This unstable area is also creating havoc for downwind areas of the Honda Proving Center and several utility scale solar farms. This paper describes how we are using the most advanced dust mitigation measures to permanently stabilize and restore with native desert vegetation the area. Additionally, the paper also describes how climate change is increasing the drought in the southwestern US. As a result, fugitive dust is becoming ever more invasive in the western US and in our protected class I visibility protected areas including our national parks ands wilderness areas. This climate change is also impacting the tremendous increase in wildfires throughout the world including the western US. The resulting barren land from these fires is also increasing the wind blown dust. Climate change is also increasing the frequency and magnitude of these wind blown events. These climate change patterns will be clearly explained using easily understood meteorological patterns, the direct result of climate change.