Vaccine Confidence Lead
GSK Vaccines
Ivo Vojtek has the role of a Vaccine Confidence Lead at GSK Vaccines. After nearly an extensive of experience in clinical development, he has realized that having developped a vaccine is just the first step to it having an impact on human lives. He decided to move forward on the timescale of clinical development into Medical Affairs to help Health Care Practitioners turn vaccines into vaccination. With time it became apparent that vaccination is increasingly vulnerable to decreasing vaccine confidence which has grown from a marginal topic to a global threat to public health. While these discussion are often immune to facts, there are unexplored approaches to health communication to explore. Adressing the realm of irrational has became his new passion.
Ivo is in the final year of Masters in Public Health course at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He has obtained his PharmD in pharmacology and toxicology at Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University in Brno, followed by PhD in microbiology at the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at the Biocenter, University of Vienna, in the group of Emmanuelle Charpentier, the most recent Nobel Prize winner.
Disclosure: GSK Vaccines (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Employee, Shareholder