Assistant project scientist
University of California, Los Angeles
Dr. Lynch received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania, graduating magna cum laude and double majoring in biology and psychology. He then received his PhD in Dr. Justin Sonnenburg's lab at the Stanford University School of Medicine, where he was an NSF GRFP recipient. His thesis focused on bacterial carbohydrate sensing and responses in the gut microbiota. He next was an NIH NRSA postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Ned Ruby's lab at the University of Hawaii-Manoa, where he studied dynamics of host-microbe interactions using the model symbiosis between Vibrio fischeri and the Hawaiian bobtail squid. He is currently an assistant project scientist and Ford Fellowship awardee in Dr. Elaine Hsiao's lab at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he is studying the determinants and effects of bacterial-serotonin-drug interactions in the mammalian gut microbiota.
Disclosure: Nothing to disclose
Friday, October 23, 2020
11:30am – 12:45pm EDT