Category: Microbial Pathogenesis
Poster Session: Microbial Pathogenesis
zain I. Alamarat
Pediatric Infectious disease Fellow
University of Texas health science center at houston
houston, Texas
Disclosure: I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Lauren M. Sommer
Research Technician
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
Disclosure: I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Jonathon C. McNeil
Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
Disclosure: Allergan (Research Grant or Support, Allergan provided ceftaroline powder for use in studies described in this abstract)
Anthony R. Flores
Associate Professor
University of Texas Health Sciences at Houston
Houston, Texas
Disclosure: I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.