Johns Hopkins
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Dr. Gupta is the Faculty Chair of the Johns Hopkins India Institute, Deputy Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education and Professor of Medicine (Division of Infectious Diseases) and Public Health (Department of International Health) at Johns Hopkins University.
She completed Materials Science Engineering at MIT, medical school at Harvard University, internal medicine/primary care residency at UCSF, Epidemic Intelligence Service Fellowship at US CDC, infectious diseases fellowship at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Masters in Health Sciences at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Board certified in infectious diseases, Dr. Gupta specializes in international public health, clinical research, and education in infectious diseases, including in HIV/AIDS, AMR, COVID, and tuberculosis (TB) (including in special populations such as infants, children and pregnant and lactating women), as well as conditions that undermine disease treatment (such as malnutrition, diabetes, CVD, inflammation, and antibiotic resistance). Since 2002, her work has focused primarily on India, where she collaborates with several Indian organizations and co-leads several Indo-JHU research collaborations. She serves in leadership positions for the NIH-funded International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trails (IMPAACT) network, as protocol co-chair in AIDS Clinial Trials Group (ACTG) studies of HIV/TB prevention, as the US Cahir of the RePORT India TB research consortium and as a member of the RePORT International Executive Committee. She is Co-PI of the NIH-funded Johns Hopkins Baltimore-India Clinical Trials Unit and her work is also funded by CDC, UNITAID, Indian government, foundations and philanthropy.
In 2019, Dr. Gupta was appointed for a 4-year term to the NIAID Council, the chief advisory committee for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. She also was invited to serve on the Governing Board of the IndoUS Science and Technology Forum. She is an author of more than 200 peer-reviewed research publications and 7 book chapters on prevention and treatment of HIV, TB, AMR, COVID-19, and other infectious diseases, predominantly in low- and middle-income settings.