Centers for Disease Control Prevention and Control
Dr. Andrea McCollum obtained a B.S. and M.S. in Genetics from the University of Georgia in 1999 and 2002, respectively; and a PhD in Population Biology, Ecology, and Evolution from Emory University in 2007. She completed a American Society of Microbiology Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service in 2009. Dr. McCollum has been a member of CDC’s Poxvirus and Rabies Branch since 2009 and is currently the Poxvirus Epidemiology Unit Lead. She has spent much of her career working on monkeypox surveillance, diagnostic capacity, epidemiological and clinical research, and viral diversity and emergence in Africa. In 2010, she helped establish enhanced surveillance for monkeypox in Tshuapa Province, DRC, which has since served as a platform for research activities and helped improve surveillance capacity for zoonoses in the region. She has led outbreak investigation teams for monkeypox and Ebola in DRC, ROC, Cameroon, and Nigeria.
Disclosure: Nothing to disclose
Thursday, October 22, 2020
3:45pm – 5:00pm EDT