BioFire Diagnostics offers syndromic infectious disease diagnostic solutions with several assay-specific reagent panels. Each panel provides the ability to detect and identify a broad grouping of probable pathogens in a single, rapid PCR-based test. The syndromic approach maximizes the chances of finding out what's making a patient sick. Fast and accurate diagnostic results help physicians quickly provide appropriate treatment. BioFire currently offers diagnostic panels that tackle five infectious disease syndromes: respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, blood stream infections, meningitis/encephalitis, and pneumonia. BioFire's FDA Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) respiratory solution includes the ability to identify SARS-CoV-2, along with 21 additional common respiratory pathogens. The CLIA-waived BioFire® FilmArray® 2.0 EZ Configuration System facilitates rapid near-patient respiratory diagnostic testing. (CLIA Certificate of Waiver required to perform testing.)
BioFire Diagnostics, LLC
515 Colorow Way
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108